About the Historic World Knowledge Bank®, A Virtual Democratic Country


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If what you want is to have a voice and be heard on things that are important to you

I believe the best way to get this is to find a place where your contribution will be recorded and held securely but also a place that makes what you know available to a much broader audience and is shared when and how you want it to be. A place with rules and boundaries but also a place that allows and respects individual creativity. Even more than that a place that lets you build creative relationships with others where your identity and contribution are respected. A secure and generous place.

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If what you want is to participate in the world

making a contribution to solving today’s problems without becoming overwhelmed by complexity and responsibility, then I believe that the best way to do this is to harvest the knowledge and creativity of your life experiences as you go along—life knowledge that you are generating anyway—and make that knowledge available to others. Until the World Knowledge Bank® there has been no place or way for most of us to put of our life experiences in service of others outside our immediate family. Until the WKBank there has been no structured place that values your uniqueness and is expressly designed to gather your life knowledge based on the choices you have made and the life circumstances into which your were born.

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At the World Knowledge Bank® rather than your life circumstances being cause for exclusion

your life knowledge is the point of integration and participation with others. At the WKBank you can share and circulate your life knowledge in manageable sizes and shapes in such a way that many, many others can benefit. Participating in the world at the WKBank is a kind of participation that you can integrate into your life, that can change as you change. In the World Knowledge Bank® you can join your voice with many other voices to make significant differences in the world as your life unfolds and your interests dictate. Or your voice may stand alone or with a few on some insights and life experience.

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Each of us has many kinds of commitments and responsibilities.

Most of us cannot take on a major project outside of our work and family. We must integrate our interests and contributions to the world with our work and family—not adding to our to-do list but releasing our knowledge in short or long bites as we determine works best for us. There have been ways for some people to share their life knowledge...kings and queens, celebrities, the rich, political leaders, the infamous, those good at sports, writers, but the WKBank completes the circle by providing a playful and efficient way for all people to share/deposit your knowledge based on your life needs and interests.

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Human beings also want to learn from others but in a way that is fun and efficient.

Rather than having to read an entire book, at the WKBank you can learn from others in bites that are useful and meaningful to you. The WKBank provides a playful and efficient way for others to find your knowledge. If what you want is to make your own way in the world and provide for yourself and your family then the World Knowledge Bank® is a place that provides a new and important way to do this by creating a structure to receive revenues from what you know. This important new way to provide for yourself and your family means that you will always have this revenue source to draw on. While sometimes the revenues will be small at other times they may be more substantial. These are revenues you can spend according to your needs, wants and future plans. In times of transition or when you are out of work you can spend more time at the WKBank, depositing your knowledge and deciding what Calls for Knowledge you can submit knowledge to. Never again will there be no where to turn to improve your prospects and quality of life. Even if you don’t have a computer you can go to your public library and work with the WKBank.

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If what you want is to see the positive results of your contribution as you go along,

now at the World Knowledge Bank® you can. The World Knowledge Bank® provides an Exchange Service that lists the Calls for Knowledge as well as knowledge received. This allows you to see from the very beginning of your relationship with the WKBank how your knowledge is adding to the knowledge of others. The WKBank also reports back through Calls for Knowledge where and how your knowledge has been implemented. If what you want is to create a legacy for your children and generations to come the World Knowledge Bank® is just such a place. By depositing your knowledge in the WKBank your knowledge becomes a legacy that you can will to your children or other individuals or place in the Public Library where others can benefit without charge. Your account at the WKBank becomes a living history of your life and your descendants’ lives.

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If what you want is to provide for the orderly evolution of our democratic process

this is what the World Knowledge Bank® was expressly designed to do through its democratic process. A large part of the WKBank’s mission is to protect the Knowledge Contributor’s knowledge and to provide just, innovative remedies for disputes and problems that emerge in relationship to knowledge at the WKBank. This means that by depositing your knowledge and participating in the governance of knowledge at the WKBank you are expanding and deepening the life knowledge of the democratic process itself and leaving a growing body of knowledge for the future.

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This is an heroic aspect of participating at the World Knowledge Bank®.

After all, each of us can only do what is within our purview while we live on earth. Participating at the WKBank may seem like a small contribution but it is in fact rich beyond our imagining because not only is our life knowledge becoming a part of continuing body of knowledge for a better world but in a place that appreciates your uniqueness and your commitment and participation in the world. Through the WKBank we are building a better tomorrow by respecting and valuing our present and our past.

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What happens if, as is the case at the World Knowledge Bank®, what you have to offer is meant for everyone?

If you market the benefits and beauty of something but make it so that only a few can attain it you may encourage people to work harder to attain that thing but often the reasons people cannot attain that thing are systemic and have something but not that much to do with how hard you work to get it. Often you simply divide the world into those that have that thing and those that don’t. At the WKBank I believe that the benefits and beauty of the WKBank should be available to everyone. To do this the WKBank has structured its services to be deeply affordable. There is no fee to set up an Account, deposit your knowledge with the WKBank or visit the Calls for Knowledge service. In this way the WKBank creates something broad enough and whole that can actually carry the aspirations of life on earth.

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The World Knowledge Bank® is indeed a very big idea but not a big idea

built on skyscrapers and ferocious competition for the most acknowledgment and things but built on the vastness of creative humanity and the depth of the WKBank’s human community. Who would create such an enterprise? To be sure the creation of the World Knowledge Bank® is a life-long fully consuming activity. And while this kind of creation is not for most people if you understand my background you will see that it is a rather natural outgrowth of my own life experiences.

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